Meals Payment and Information

Children can either have a hot or cold dinner provided by school, or they can bring a packed lunch from home.

We have an amazing range of nutritious and healthy hot and cold options here at Albrighton Primary, with all meals prepared freshly each day by our in-house expert catering team.  School council ensure our menus take into account the preferences of all children across the school, while Vicky ensures all dietary requirements and allergies are catered for.

For the latest menus, information and details of any upcoming theme days – please visit our Kitchen Page


The cost of a school meal is £2.60.  If you want school to provide your child(ren) with a school meal, please use the ParentPay to pre-book and/or pay.

During registration every day, your child will be asked what they are having at lunchtime, so the kitchen know how many lunches to prepare for the day.

Free School Meals

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to received a free school meal – this is not means tested and has been funded by the government since September 2014.  If this applies to your child(ren) and you want them to receive a school meal, this must be booked using ParentPay.

Children in Year 3 and above may be entitled to free school meals, depending on individual family circumstances.  We would encourage you to visit Shropshire Council’s website using the link below to check for free if you are entitled to free school meals for your child, or ask the school office to support you with this check.

If your child is entitled to means-tested free school meals, this not only covers the cost of a school meal, but also generates additional funds for the school which are used to support learning.

Information about pupils who qualify for free school meals is kept confidential at all times.

Shropshire Council – Free School Meals: Information and Check


For the latest menus and information about upcoming themed days, please see our Kitchen Page

Dietary Requirements and Allergies

Vicky and the catering team work extremely hard to ensure everyone is looked after and well-fed during meal times, regardless of any dietary preferences, requirements or allergies.

If your child has a dietary requirement or allergy, Vicky and the catering team will ensure it is catered for during the lunch service.  Please ensure your child’s information is kept up to date at the office.