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Mrs Short
Assistant Headteacher & EYFS Leader, DDSL, Class Teacher - Reception Rainbows
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Charlotte Broughton
Nursery Lead
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Grace Shepherd
Toddler Room Lead
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Amy Middleton
Nursery Assistant
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Emily Connor
Nursery Assistant
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Megan Bastable
Nursery Assistant
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Natalie Penn
Nursery Assistant
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Nicci Walker
Nursery Assistant
Josie Causer
Nursery Assistant
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Mrs Chatburn
Nursery Assistant

Welcome to Nursery

Welcome to our cosy and caring nursery where we care for children aged two to four. We have two rooms:

  • Twinkling Stars Toddler Room: Led by Grace Shepherd (Toddler Room Lead)
  • Bright Stars Preschool: Led by Charlotte Broughton (Nursery Lead and Preschool Room Lead)

Our practice has the child’s interests at the heart of everything we do. We operate a play focussed, free flow environment between indoors and out with rich continuous provision and meaningful play experiences. The adult’s role is to listen, model, encourage and enhance play situations whilst extending learning. Our environment is a soft, nurturing and free-flowing space that allows the children to learn and explore. This includes a large outdoor space to dig, explore, build and climb. We are a setting that supports and values purposeful play. Both indoors and outdoors offer a cosy ‘safe place’ to retreat to when needed and supports self-regulation. We strive to ensure our environment meets the individual needs of all the children with a wide variety of resources to inspire their imagination.


Our curriculum is ambitious, carefully sequenced and knowledge rich ensuring that even our very youngest children know more and remember more.  Our highly skilled and caring practitioners recognise that young children do not develop in a fixed way. Their development is like a spider’s web with many strands, not a straight line. We have developed our curriculum to support this depth in early learning.


We follow FFT phonics, a well-planned and highly effective programme delivered through daily sessions with the children. In Nursery, children focus on discriminating environmental sounds and alliteration. When they are ready, they then move onto oral blending and segmenting. The correct enunciation of phonemes is crucial.


Come and have a look round our wonderful setting. We can’t wait to meet you.

Our email address is:


Please see our curriculum documents below:

Areas of Play Progression Document