Year 5/6

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Miss Saunders
Class Teacher - Explorers
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Mrs Courtman
Class Teacher - Adventurers
Mrs Browne
Class Teacher - Voyagers
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Mr Mountford
Sports Coach
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Mrs Cummings
Teaching Assistant
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Mrs Podmore
Teaching Assistant
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Mrs Ord
Teaching Assistant
Miss Taylor
Learning Support Assistant
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Mrs Harris
Learning Support Assistant

Welcome to Year 5/6


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Outdoor PE with Mr Mountford is on a Tuesday and indoor PE with Mrs Browne is on a Wednesday. Children should come to school in PE kit on both of these days.



Homework on SATs companion is set each Friday and due in the following Friday.

Spellings are set on a Friday and tested the following Friday. The children will bring their spellings home in their home spelling book each Friday.

Reading diaries are checked each Friday.