Colour mixing

In today’s art lesson, linked to our work on Frida Kahlo, we used primary colours to mix both secondary and tertiary colours on a colour wheel.

Snap Trap Theatre

This afternoon we had a visit from Snaptrap Theatre. In their performance we learned all about how to stay safe online and the SMART rules to remember when using our devices.


In history week this week we drew a timeline looking at the time period of the Mayans and also drew on other periods of history we have learned about such as the ancient Greeks, Romans and the first aeroplane flight.

Year 6 place value

This week in year 6 we have been working on place value up to ten million using place value counters and place value charts.

Mayan workshop

Today in year 5 & 6 we have had a jam packed day learning all about the Mayans.

We wore Mayan clothes and wrote our name in Mayan hieroglyphs. We also made worry dolls, weaved baskets and were transported to Central America using VR headsets.

Outdoor team building

This afternoon, year 5 and 6 spent some time outside doing activities linked to our school value of resilience. We did a range of activities in and around forest school and had to work together as a team.

PE Kit tomorrow

Children need to come to school in PE kit again tomorrow (Wednesday 4th September) with either some old trainers they don’t mind getting dirty or wellies as we will be going to forest school in the afternoon.

School Games Mark
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