When is a solid not a solid?

Carrying on with our ‘states of matter’ topic, we have been thinking about matter that could be a little more difficult to categorise as a solid, liquid or gas. To show such difficulties, we made some oobleck! We had great fun watching how it became a solid under pressure, but a liquid when left to pour.

If you wanted to make some at home, simply mix a cup of cornflour with 3/4 of a cup of water.

States of Matter

In Science this half term, we will be learning all about states of matter. To start us off, we investigated 3 balloons each with a different state of matter inside! We had to deduce which one held a solid, a liquid or a gas.

Go with the flow

This term, we are learning about rivers! To help us remember the key features of a river, we did some outdoor learning and made our own rivers! We labelled these with the names of each feature.

STEM week

As part of STEM week, we looked at F1 cars – the history, the technology and the thrill! From reception to year 6, we designed and made F1 car prototypes and KS2 even raced there’s! Thinking also about our carbon footprint, we used recycled materials (for the most part) to make our cars and we also made them air powered.

School Games Mark
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