Materials Investigation

We discussed the materials used to make the three little pigs houses. We used our properties word to describe them. We wanted to find out which material is really the strongest. We were encouraged to use the word ‘predict’ (a very good guess). Some children used full “I predict….” sentences to share which materials they thought was the weakest and which was the strongest.

We tested our ideas by building a structure (usually a wall) out of each material and seeing how much damage the wolf did when he landed on it.

The structure with the most damage was the weakest.

The structure with the least damage was the strongest.

We set up some materials for the children to continue to experiment in class. Excellent discussions on this topic Reception!

Our afternoon in the forest

We had a lot of fun exploring in the forest. We used our magnifying glasses to look for insects. We practised our looking and observing skills whilst collecting worms and woodlice, then putting them back in their habitats. We discussed where different living things choose to live and why.

Maths – Guess my rule

We had some fabulous ideas for different sorting rules when sorting the same object type by different attributes.

Family photos

If you haven’t already, please send one family photo in for our family board. Thank you.

Artist Study and printing with paint

We looked at the work of the artist Wassily Kandinsky and talked about what we liked about his paintings. After, we investigated different circles and cylinders and explored printing techniques using these. We recapped our knowledge of learning about primary colours and also talked about other colours we could use. We are developing new skills in art all the time.

Materials – identifying and sorting

As part of our Science topic, we have been discussing the different materials we know and using words to describe the properties of these materials. Some children needed some support to notice the difference between an object and the material it is made from.

This week we went for a walk around the school and spotted materials. We talked about the materials and whether we thought they were natural or human-made. We noted down our ideas with drawings and some writing. Great work Reception!


Cookies for Grandma

We have been reading Little Red Riding Hood and as part of this, we continued to develop our fine motor skills by making nature cookies for Grandma in the forest. We practised rolling our dough into a ball and using a rolling pin and cutters to make a cookie shape. We then added different natural items that we had foraged and explained why we thought grandma would like these.

We also acted out the story using a den, props and puppets.

Puddle suits and wellies

Please send in a named puddle-suit and wellies to be kept in school. Rangers WILD is Thursday and Rainbows is Tuesday. Children can wear own clothes on these days.

If you don’t have a School Ping login to receive messages, please contact the office and they can help you with this.

We are learning to match objects

In Maths, we have been matching objects together in groups. We have considered which items belong together and which are different. We came up with some really inventive ways to sort and group.