Family photos

If you haven’t already, please send one family photo in for our family board. Thank you.

Puddle suits and wellies

Please send in a named puddle-suit and wellies to be kept in school. Rangers WILD is Thursday and Rainbows is Tuesday. Children can wear own clothes on these days.

If you don’t have a School Ping login to receive messages, please contact the office and they can help you with this.

WILD starting next week

WILD (Woodland Inspired Learning Days) will begin next week – W/C 16.9.24. Rainbows will be on Tuesdays and Rangers on Thursdays. Please sent in a named puddle suit and named wellies, which can be kept in school. Children are welcome to wear their own clothes on these days.

Reception Coffee Morning

We are holding a coffee morning for Reception parents next Friday 13th September 9am-9:45am .

We will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Please come to the main school building.


We are looking forward to welcoming all of our Reception children on Tuesday 3rd September. Just a reminder that we don’t start our forest sessions until at least week 3.