SEND – Neurodiversity Practitioner Pilot

During this term, we have secured the support of Neurodiversity Practitioner Rachel Tomkinson from Shropshire’s Educational Psychology Service as part of the Neurodiversity Practitioner Pilot.

She has already been into school and met with our SENDCo Mr Green and some of our SEND children.  Together they have conducted a learning walk to view the school from a Neurodiverse pupil’s perspective, and planned out our ongoing support for early identification and support for children with a neurodiverse profile, capturing and using SEND pupil voice.

Rachel will be working with Albrighton Primary through the Autumn and Spring terms, after the summer holidays.

See NDP Parent Carer letter RT for more information.

Our Library

Our library is an engaging space for pupils to come together to share books and read for pleasure. It is used by all ages from Nursery to Year 6. We are committed to investing in new books and we do this several times a year to ensure our pupils have access to the books they love.

SEND Review Outcomes

In April we asked Severn Teaching School Alliance to conduct an independent review of our SEND provision.  We’ve had the report back today, highlighting strong leadership of SEND and excellent practice in all areas across the school, from early identification through to the education provisions offered to children with SEND.

Here are some of the comments from the report:

“Staff passion and care was evident to see throughout the school, this was observed through the learning walk and speaking directly to the staff.  The pupils are at the forefront of everything they do.”

“There was clear evidence during the learning walks of staff showing strong abilities to step in and support children with SEND as and when needed, but also knowing when they can step back and allow those pupils to have some more independence.”

“Those following a personalised curriculum were in the classroom and on task with access to support when required but given the opportunities to work as independently as possible.”

“The Zones of Regulation were also being effectively and purposely used and were established across the entire school.”

“As a school you work hard on identifying pupils with SEND, the systems in place are well established in school and focus on the early interventions and support that can be implemented for individual pupils.”

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