Reading at home

Children will be given new reading books, appropriate to their phonics and reading ability each Friday. We ask that children read these books at least three times at home through the school week and parents to sign reading diaries each time the child reads. On Fridays, reading diaries are checked and children are rewarded with dojo points for having read at home.

Support for Reading

Below, you will find some guidance for parents of Y1 and Y2 children in order to support your child at home. As you will recognise, we create lots of opportunities for reading within our school day. However, it is essential that children read regularly at home in order for them to make good progress and feel successful as a reader. Children who can read, enjoy reading and become even more confident and enthusiastic, having even greater success! Reading school books more than once is of benefit to develop accuracy and fluency.

To support your child’s progress in Reading, we would ask

  • That you hear your child read regularly at home (on most days)
  • Parents ask questions about what has been read to check understanding