Secondary School Applications

As your child is in Year 6, we just thought we would let you know about applying for a secondary school place. To apply for a secondary school place please visit the website of the council in which you live, for residents of Albrighton this would be Shropshire Council

The online facility is now open and you must apply by 31 October 2024.

Please see below for information on local open days/evenings:

  • Codsall Middle – Saturday 05 October from 10.00 am – 12 Noon
  • Idsall – Opening evening on Thursday 26 September 4.30 pm – 7.30 pm & open morning on Friday 27 September 9.30 am – 11 am
  • Holy Trinity – Tuesday 01 October 2024 from 3.00 pm – 5.30 pm

National Child Measurement Programme

Please find attached a letter regarding the Y6 height and weight check which will take place on Monday 07 October at 9:30am.

Please also find attached an information leaflet with a QR code to a video explaining the process.

The programme is an opt out process, those children not wishing to participate will need to return the opt out form.

Parent Pre-Measurement Letter – Sept 24

NCMP Information – Sept 24

Year 6 2025 Residential Trip Letter

Please find attached a letter regarding the Year 6 residential at Blackwell Adventure in June 2025.

This letter gives you all the information you need, and contains payment details, including how to pay the deposit to secure your child a place.

Also attached is a brochure from Blackwell Adventure.

Year 6 2025 Residential Trip Letter

Blackwell Adventure Brochure – 2024

Albrighton Ambassadors

Applications are now open for any Year 6 children who would like to be Ambassadors this school year.

Application forms have been given out in class today, and must be returned to school by this Friday (the 13th September).

Interviews will take place Friday and Monday, and the new Ambassadors will be announced next week.

PE Kit tomorrow

Children need to come to school in PE kit again tomorrow (Wednesday 4th September) with either some old trainers they don’t mind getting dirty or wellies as we will be going to forest school in the afternoon.