Year 1/2

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Mrs Martin
Class Teacher - Racing Rockets
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Mr Sibley
Class Teacher - Cosmic Comets
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Miss Le Brun
Class Teacher - Shooting Stars
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Mr Mountford
Sports Coach
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Nicci Walker
Nursery Assistant
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Mrs Brookes
Teaching Assistant
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Mrs Podmore
Teaching Assistant
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Mrs Bate
Teaching Assistant
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Miss Bellett
Learning Support Assistant

Welcome to Year 1/2

Shooting stars – Miss Le Brun

Racing Rockets – Mrs Martin

Cosmic Comets – Mr Sibley

Mrs Brookes, Mrs Podmore, Mrs Bate, Miss Bellett and Mrs Walker will help us to learn even more.

We are a happy, friendly team who will strive to follow our school motto ‘Only our best will do’.

We have indoor PE on a Tuesday afternoon with Mr Sibley, and outdoor PE on a Thursday with Mr Mountford where children will need to come to school in their outdoor kit. Please make sure children have appropriate kit and all jewellery and earrings must be removed.