SEND and Parental Support

For information about SEND at Albrighton Primary, please see our SEND Page

Shropshire Local Offer

Shropshire Local Authority’s SEND local offer is a single place for information, services and resources available in the local area for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), their families and the professionals who support them.  See their website – Shropshire’s Local SEND Offer

An important part of the local offer is the Service Directory which is a list of services, clubs, support groups and businesses that might be of use to your family.

Shropshire Information, Advice & Support Service (IASS)

IASS is a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people with SEND, and their families, living in Shropshire.  As the name implies, IASS offers information, advice and support on all matters SEND related.

Shropshire IASS Website

Shropshire Parent and Carer Council

PACC (PACC Shropshire) is a local parent carer forum that promotes the participation of parent carers in the planning and delivery of services for children and young people with SEND in Shropshire.

Shropshire PACC Website

Autism West Midlands

Autism West Midlands is the leading charity in the West Midlands for autistic people.  They have a wealth of information, support sessions and training opportunities available to raise awareness of autism.  Their aim is to improve the quality of life for those with autism, or autistic traits, by providing specialist support and advice to enable autistic people to meet their full potential.

Autism West Midlands Website

BeeU – Shropshire Emotional Wellbeing & Emotional Mental Health for children

All children and young people will go through some big changes in their lives that can affect them both physically and mentally.  Often we can forget how hard this can be for some children.  Add in to the mix any additional needs or disability that a child may have and things can become difficult.

In Shropshire, we have a dedicated service called BeeU that offers a variety of options to help children and young people when their mental health and emotional wellbeing may need some extra attention.

For information and support, including diagnosis and treatment pathways and crisis care management, please see Shropshire’s Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Website

Shropshire Mental Health & Wellbeing

Whether you’re concerned about your own mental health or that of someone else, making the decision to seek help is a positive step.  There are a numbers of ways to get help, detailed on the Shropshire Mental Health & Wellbeing Website

The Parenting Team

Shropshire Council have a fantastic resource for parents – the parenting team has been established to help families who want to learn more or who may be experiencing some difficulties with their children.  They offer sensitive and caring advice and support without prejudice or judgement, and can be a useful first point of contact if you are experiencing challenges with your child.  They offer help and support on all things parenting, including sleep clinics, behaviour, development, challenges, strategies, education, health and SEND.

Shropshire Parenting Team Website

The parenting team offers a telephone helpline, where you can speak to a member of the parenting team to discuss your concerns.

Parenting Helpline Information

Early Help

Early Help is an approach to solving a problem at any stage of a child’s life; during pregnancy, childhood or adolescence.   Early help is about children, young people and their families getting the right help at the right time.

Early help is support for children of all ages that improves a family’s resilience and outcomes or reduces the chance of a problem getting worse. It’s not an individual service, but a system of support delivered by local authorities and their partners working together and taking collective responsibility to provide the right provision in their area.

The aim is therefore to identify needs early and to make sure services work together to put the most appropriate support in place during the ‘early’ stages of a problem, to prevent issues from getting worse.  

You can ask for Early Help yourself, or you may be offered Early Help by a professional in your life such as a school, doctor, health visitor, social worker or other professional agencies.

Information about the Early Help support available in Shropshire, including information about why you might want early help, how to request help, where you can get early help from and what happens when you ask for early help can be found on Shropshire’s Early Help Website

How Shropshire Local Authority put Early Help into practice: