Published on: 6th September, 2024

Autumn 2024 – Newsletter 1


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Headteacher Message

Dear Parents/Carers,

I hope you and your family have had a wonderful summer break with lots of time for rest and relaxation. I had
a lovely summer holiday with my family and now I’m feeling refreshed and ready for our new academic year.

First, I’d like to welcome all the new families (the most we’ve had around school) that have joined us this
academic year – we are really looking forward to getting to know you and your children over the coming
months and years.

Over the summer, there have been some changes to our school building, as Mr Summers has been very busy
painting around school to freshen up classrooms and corridors. We are also part way through a refit of school
lighting across the whole of the school. This change is not only good for the environment but should also
reduce our electric bills moving forward. It is lovely to see school looking so smart ready for the new term.
We also have our new school website up and running. Please check it out if you haven’t already. Over the next
few weeks, we are going to continue to update it and ensure all our information is fully up to date. The
majority of our school communication will be through the website, with new class pages with news from
classrooms, diary dates and the school newsletter all being shared from this source.

For information about your child’s class i.e. Topic; PE day; Homework etc, please refer to their class page on
our website. If you feel that there is information missing from the page or any other part of the website for
that matter, please contact us so that we can put it right.

One thing that is always so special at this time of year, is that the children look so smart in their school
uniforms. Thank you for facilitating this. We would be grateful for your continued support in ensuring these
high standards are maintained throughout the year. Mrs Evans has already sent out a letter about PE kits as
we are now asking children to come to school on both PE days in their PE kits. It is extremely important
though that children only wear the correct kit for PE which can be seen on our new school website.

If you wish to book sessions with Zoom, our before and after school club, you should also access our website
where on-line booking forms and information are available. If you haven’t yet registered for Zoom, please see
our office staff to collect a form to register prior to booking.

A reminder that school opens at 8:45 am as usual and doors shut at 8:50 am so registration can be prompt
and learning can begin. All children should arrive between these times. Please do not access the school
grounds until the site supervisor opens the walk-through gate at 8:40 am. This is a safety precaution as, prior
to this time, vehicles will be accessing and travelling on site. It is essential that children arrive promptly to
ensure they are not losing vital learning opportunities. It is a national priority to ensure that all pupils of
compulsory school age attend school ‘all day, every day’. All time missed can have a significant impact on a
child’s learning. Also, can I remind you that dogs, apart from those risk assessed and insured to do so,
shouldn’t be coming on to the school site.

It is the DFE’s directive that Head Teachers do not grant leave of absence for holidays during term time and
fines and the likelihood of receiving fines have increased significantly. Medical appointments that can be
booked outside of the school day, i.e. dentists and opticians will also not be authorised. Request for a leave of
absence will only be authorised if it is deemed to be an exceptional circumstance and you will need to
complete a leave of absence form to put your request in writing.

I think it is also important to remind you of avenues of communication and that there is always someone you
can talk to. Your first point of contact, if you have a concern, is your class teacher, you can make an
appointment to see them via the class email or by contacting the office. We also have our full-time learning
mentor, Mrs Chambers, who is contactable if you have concerns about your child’s mental well-being.
Information about our learning mentor can be found on the website. If you don’t feel your concern is resolved
following initial contact, please don’t hesitate to speak to myself or our Deputy, Mr Green. Mr Green can also
be contacted for queries or support regarding Special Needs.

During the Autumn term, we have many exciting events to share with you, so please look out for further
information in our diary dates. Information about this half terms clubs and how to book them will be shared
soon. Please also read the school newsletter every Friday on our website as it will keep you informed about
school events. Good communication across the school community is very important so please keep talking to
us about how we can improve further over the coming year.

Here’s to another highly successful and productive school year at Albrighton Primary School and Nursery,
where ‘Only our best will do!’ and every child thrives both academically and socially!

Thank you for your continued support!
Kind regards,

Karen Tearle

Heritage Walk

This morning all Key Stage 1 children went for a walk around our village as part of our Geography work this half term. The children were spotting important landmarks in the village and took photos ready for us to create maps next week.

Mayan workshop

Today in year 5 & 6 we have had a jam packed day learning all about the Mayans.

We wore Mayan clothes and wrote our name in Mayan hieroglyphs. We also made worry dolls, weaved baskets and were transported to Central America using VR headsets.

Memorable Experience Day – Flow

Today the Children in Year 3 and 4 have taken part in a variety of experiences towards our new topic Flow! They have looked at Rivers, Egyptian cartouches and even mummified a piece of fruit. Over this half term we will look at Ancient Egypt and the Water Cycle in more detail.

Reception Coffee Morning

We are holding a coffee morning for Reception parents next Friday 13th September 9am-9:45am .

We will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Please come to the main school building.

Tiny Tots – Tuesdays 9-10am

Tiny Tots Story Time – every Tuesday from 9-10am in the EYFS hall.

Our Reading Champion Mrs Hindes would like to share this information about a new group we are starting for Tiny Tots (pre-school babies and toddlers who haven’t yet started Nursery or School).

Come along for a fun, relaxed storytelling session where your pre-school child can begin to develop a love of books.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Reception open morning and evening for September 2025 admission

PE Kit – Important Changes

We would like to inform you that, moving forward, children are welcome to attend school in their PE kit on both their indoor and outdoor PE days.

The specific days for each class can be found on the Class Pages on our school website.

Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct PE uniform as per the school’s Uniform Policy. This includes a white top, the school jumper, and navy or black joggers or shorts. Trainers should be plain and either black, grey, or white.  See this page for further details – What You Need To Buy

If a child is not wearing the appropriate uniform, they will be provided with suitable clothing from the lost property to change into.

We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that all children are dressed appropriately for their PE lessons. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kindest Regards,

Mrs Evans

Diary Dates

The calendar on our website contains all of the important dates for everything happening across school.  If you visit you child’s class pages on the website, the calendar is filtered to just show the dates relevant to your child’s phase.

Please see…

The School Calendar on our website for all events happening across school

Class Pages on our website for just the events happening in your child’s class.

Term Dates

Term Dates are published on our website, where they can be downloaded and printed if required – Term Dates